Monday, July 9, 2007

Guest Post 2

Here is a second guest post from Susan:

Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Super R&J Business

I've been to two more rehearsals for Romeo. On Saturday we carried Juliette in and out on that stretcher thing about 5 times. That was a bit much on my arms! But I survived.

Yesterday was the first run-through. Once again it was amazing to hear all the singing! And what was really cool too was that I didn't care that all these extra people were watching. Not that I do anything momentous or requiring any skill, really, but I had no problem taking a deep breath and lapsing into, "Sad, accepting, respectful monk-mode," or, SARMM as I just this moment decided to call it. I hung out for a while after I was done, just to watch. It was such a treat! I wish I understood more French so I could follow the dialogue. Actually, I wish I could sing like that!

I was sitting near the assistant stage manager and she was buzzing with adreniline. She was everywhere at once, grabbing props, cuing people checking the score.

At once point a bunch of guys ran offstage past me and past the stretcher that was leaning on the wall. It started to go over and one of the other supers caught it. I was sitting cross-legged on a chair filming at the time and you can hear me squeak and see my knees come up as I tried to make myself smaller! All the videos are here:

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